Sunday, 18 January 2015

The Little Fawn

Last week for one of her birthday present's, I gave my best friend-my wonderful mum, a hand-painted fawn, created by yours truly.
I am not quite sure what inspired me with the below piece, all I knew was I wanted to paint something lovely, pretty, quite feminine and as my mum shares the same love of deers and anything from that family group with me, it happened to work out quite nicely once I picked my paint-brush up!

I used acrylic paints and some gold pen for accent high-lighting on this piece. I also decided to paint on top of a light grey and white floral wallpaper that I had a sample of from when we were looking at home decor, as I quite liked the contrast between the fawn and the pattern in the background. It just adds another unique little touch to the illustration, rather than a clean background.

Again, a trust-worthy, very affordable but stunning looking frame from IKEA came to the rescue to finish this little guy off!

I am happy to say my mum adored the painting and it has already found itself a home on her brand new feature, picture frame wall in the dining room <3 font="">


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