Thursday, 8 January 2015

#1 Happy Distraction

One of the reasons I wanted to start a whole new blog and a whole new concept and mission behind me being a blogger, was to share with you all my journey to happiness.
Now don't get me wrong, I have A LOT of wonderful things in my life which make me very happy and give me such love and joy, such as my wonderful fiancĂ©e, my amazing family and friends, a roof over my head in a lovely home that we brought together last year, a job, my health (to some extent as to be honest it's not all great and has caused me a lot of worry and stress lately but more on that in another post), a beautiful, fun and very unique wedding to plan as we are getting married this year!  I have travelled the world and seen some magnificent places you think are only in dreams...however even after all these wonderful things, I am still not a 'happy person'.

It's not easy admitting this but last year I as diagnosed with an OCD form of anxiety. It's extremely complex and emotionally draining and to be honest with you, an every day battle but it's something I am very keen and determined to get under control as much as I can, even though I have had it all my life and probably will continue to have it for the rest of my life... I won't go too much into detail on that now (maybe save that for another day)!  but I am determined no matter how hard it may be, to get control on the situation and my own thoughts, to hopefully become a much happier and healthier person.

I think people define happiness in a lot of different ways, and quite rightly so. Everyone is unique and has their own desires and needs, so there is no one right way to make yourself a happier person. I believe you have to go on that journey yourself and find out as an individual what is is you need or maybe don't need, to find your true happiness.

I want this blog to be a place where I can document my journey, good and bad days, not only for myself but for any of you out there who may read this and also might be on a similar journey to me. Hopefully, it might serve as some sort of inspiration for you! I'd love to hear from you if you have similar thoughts and feelings to me and what you are doing about it to help. 

Very soon I will be starting a series on this blog giving you some tips and tricks on what I will be doing to start my own 'Happy Distractions' which I hope you will enjoy and find useful! 

Remember you can always drop me an email or tweet me @fashionteller17 if you are interested to know more about my new project or if you even have any ideas or stories to share. I'd love to hear from you!



  1. I love this post Claire, very open and honest. And I love that you've taken the decision to change what you blog about so that it is more 'for you' (as well as for us) - it's so inspiring. I just found you on Instagram (thanks for liking one of my pics!) so came and had a read - definitely a follower now! Gx

    1. Thanks so much Grace! I really appreciate that and thanks so much for following me! :) Do you have a blog I should check out? xx


I really do appreicate every single comment left on my posts and will respond to each and everyone where I can! Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to come and pay me and my little blog a visit! xo

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